As the millennial population in the workplace is growing in number, leaders will have to change their perspective to be able to channelize the innovative ideas and thoughts of the millennials and turn them into concrete and pragmatic solutions to various problems. Managers need to play an essential role in shaping the actions and behaviour of Generation Y in order to accomplish various organizational objectives. 

Managing Millennial is a lucrative 2-days intervention that is designed to help leaders comprehend the needs and expectations of their millennial employees and strengthen their leadership skills in the process. 

The Benefits 

The need for successfully streamlining the potential of the millennial population in the right direction is highly necessary for increasing productivity. It is the manager’s job to tap into this storehouse of energy and make the most of it. This workshop will help participants in – 

  • Overcoming generational stereotyping regarding potential, work values, and upbringing. 
  • Identifying and reviewing the weaknesses, strengths, and other areas that require further development. 
  • Spotting the common mistakes that are specific to millennials. 
  • Providing opportunities and resources for development. 
  • Setting achievable goals, creating realistic plans, offering feedback, and motivating employees to achieve goals. 
  • Building effective channels of communication and developing supportive relationships. 
  • Being more approachable to provide transparency.


Sanil is a Top Notch trainer. Our team loved the one and a half day they spent with him. His friendly style makes him very relatable. Highly recommended for all companies, who feel culture is important.

CEO Leading Publication

Sanil had great energy throughout the session and kept everyone engaged. It was fun, looking forward to more such sessions.

First of all thank you so much for this event . Too much inspiring ,motivational and off course valuable program. From this event we never miss any opportunity and try to never stop learning…. And always focus on these all 5’s values .

Head – Support

Fun, but learned and alot and understood the importance of working together.


It will increase the efiicience towards achieving 100%

Regional Sales Manager

It’s very good and knowledgeable session and help me alot after implementing the learned thing in my day to day work will help me to increase my knowledge and also improving my teams performance as well.

Sr. Territory Manager (Leading FMCG)

Hey Sanil….thanks for brilliant activities, it helped me to get know about few area of improvement and trust me the way you take session that was brilliant and i know your co. and strength of the co. will grow if u keep working like this……All the best for your future.

Sr. Consultant (IT Company)

Mr. Sanil treat us so well. and never and ever forget this session. we enjoyed, we learnt and much more.

Leading Publication